Light of my Life

Tuesday after the workday, we headed to Home Depot to return the rejects and get more of the winners. They had just enough! We got to the Weld House a little later than usual, but still had a productive night. First, Jason installed the light in the shower.
And this is how it looks.
Dad completed more electrical work, upstairs this go round.
The white or nickel color options for the game room trims were not what we really had in mind. Spray paint is great! Well, when Jason does it. I am a horrible spray painter but I did help the process by unpacking and laying them all out for the master painter.
Next, balcony light trims were installed.
And then the gym.
Dad rigged them up with this extension cord contraption so we could take a sneak peek at how it will look! What a difference real lights make!
We also did a test on the balcony lights. One step closer to party time.
Daisy could sense the excitement happening upstairs, but she just still couldn't force herself to make it to the top. She is terrified of staircases. Four or five steps are nothing and she's actually made it one step from the top at The Weld House, but gets scared and hauls hiney back down. She does the same thing at my work, which is dog friendly. I hardly bring her since carrying a Lab up the stairs in work clothes is not that fun! And chasing her around my office when she knows it is time to go back down makes me feel ridiculous. I wish I could read her mind-she is so agile-so it must just be a mental thing.


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