Hall of Fame

Thursday the team got back to work.
Mom heard my plea for help and came to the rescue. No, she is not in this picture. She is taking it, so just imagine her standing to my left.
A new piece of info for a post that looks quite similar to the rest of the week. The saw station is set up on the balcony. The end pieces have to be cut to fit.
Taking up the last load (end of of another bundle) for the night. As you can maybe tell, I did start to lose it. It's tricky. Hit a stair with a long piece and the jolt causes the pieces to go every which way. Jason came to my rescue before I dropped them all. You may have noticed, I have to be rescued quite often.
And the guys put in the last piece in the hall.
And the hallway is complete. There is a small section unfinished in the gym (just past the door opening) but is almost there. Then we have the office, stair landing, inside the hut, and remainder of the game room. Anyone want to take guess how much longer it will take us?


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