Mrs. Welder's Vow

Monday night it was back to cleaning upstairs.
At least two of the three girls worked hard. The gym was crossed off the list first.
Then we got back to the Boat Shed. At first I thought it would be easier for mom to hold the vacuum opposed to trying to balance it on the top rung of the ladder like the night before.
This side of the roof is quite a bit shorter so after mom's arms got tired, we realized the chair/bucket method worked even better. Game room/hut/bathroom/art room clean and checked off the list.
To finish up the second floor, the office was cleaned and checked off the list. In the next few days I plan to do some paint touching up and then the baseboards need to be installed, but it feels great to have everything clean and in good shape. Wow, there has been a lot of cleaning. After all this, I now vow before you all that I will never wait two years to clean my house again :) Thanks for all your help, mom...oh, and Heather (especially since I think she finally reads this!)
Mr. Welder worked more on the front door threshold.
Sealed and nice to keep out the mice.


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