Drowning in Paper

 Because it's so chilly these days, Mr. Welder purchased this new extravagant scarf. 
 And that is really all that has been going on lately besides paperwork, painting bathroom stalls, paperwork, hanging a week's worth of laundry to line-dry in hopes that it will make it rain, paperwork, traveling to pick up building materials, paperwork, and just a little more paperwork.  If you did not catch the drift, getting our paperwork system in place has taken over much of our time.  Thanks to my accounting cuddy, I have hopes that we are very close to having our efficient systems in place.  At that point, maybe I'll get around to catching up Bee Angels' paperwork :)
And because I know you might be wondering.  We had a clean up day this weekend at Elk Hall, where we volunteer.  One of my glorious jobs was painting the trim in the bathroom stalls.  But I don't need to tell you, I'm sure you could tell by Mr. Welder's scarf that we lead a life full of luxury.
I did manage to sneak in a few Bee Angels projects in various stages over a few days.  While Mr. Welder washed dishes, these goodies were finished and participated in a very quick photo shoot before another night of paperwork.  At Weld House Homes, our first home is wrapping up and looking terrific and soon we meet with our next potential client. Knowing my honey is doing what he loves and putting people in the home of their dreams makes all the paperwork worth it...life is good.


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