Birthday Boy

This past Monday, Mr. Welder turned 33.
(Yes, I realize this post is way late.)
The Friday before, when I realized I did not buy him a gift-hehe, I decided surprising him by taking the day off would probably be better than anything I could think of buying.  So after somehow keeping it a secret all weekend, Sunday night I snuck his handmade card in the coffee pot and added a note letting him know that I would be spending the day with him.  I think my idea was a success since he told me a million times how I made his day.  Though we worked most of the day, we did end the day by having dinner and then going to the bookstore to browse. ( Click here to see what we worked on. ) Days like this one always confirm one thing.  I'm lucky to have married my best friend.  No matter what we do, we have fun. (We bought toilets for crying out loud.)  We make a great team and can't hang out with one another too much...ever!  Mr. Welder's gift from me was also a gift to me.
I'm happy I got to spend your birthday with you!
Your Pip Squeak


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