A Night to Remember

 I am having one of those moments that I don't have very often these days.
A moment where I feel like I kind of know what I am doing.
I know it won't last so I thought I would document it so I can come back as a reminder.
We had a full day today.
Lily and Grandma vacuumed while I finally caught up Bee Angels (Click here to check out something that is not caught up...) paperwork from March.
 Another reminder:
Just look at that belly when I have doubts that Lily is getting enough to eat.
 Vacuuming is hard work.
 After dinner where Lily cried with Mr. Welder who worked his magic to get Lily to take a cat nap while we finished eating and cleaning up the kitchen, we took a stroll in the stroller (after Lily was strapped in all safe.)
 When Lily was like this,
 I decided to sit on the front porch and read this.
 Mr. Welder picked us up on the golf cart and we went for an evening fish, which was a tad better than our first fishing attempt.  (Another post for another day.)

 Then while Mr. Welder worked on this,
Lily peed on the rug. 
Lily took a bath.
She almost always loves her bath but screams when it's time to get out.
Not tonight.
She was happy and I even had time to run, trip over one of her toys, and get the camera.
Then happy Lily sat in her monkey seat, held her elephant blanket, and listened to the shower. 
 I even almost had time to shave both legs before she cried told me to get out.
Next it was time to rock, sing to, and fight a screaming, tired Lily.
Not tonight.
She cried just a little.  I started to sing. 
She had less than a minutes worth of a snack. 
Popped off and laid her head on my chest and was asleep.
I rocked her just because she was too sweet not to.
And now she is in the bassinet sleeping long enough for me to write this post.
So I'll just enjoy this moment of feeling on top of the world instead of wondering if Lily was just avoiding my singing of Rock-a-bye Baby.
Good Night.


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. How adorable is she! Thank you for the Lily filled post.


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