Drive Thru Restaurant

Saturday the girls celebrated Mom's birthday by going to garage sales-WILD! We concluded around lunch and brought the guys something to eat and then had a party with lots of gifts.
Before getting back to work, the Peanut Farmer had to take a look at his crops.
After digging up half the peanuts to make sure that is what was growing, we got to work. So to confirm, the peanuts are sprouting! (Just look at the Peanut Farmer in deep thought!)
So here you can (kind of) see what the guys worked on that morning-the wall that will close the upstairs from the downstairs. So far they had framed for a small window in the office and a door. Jason and I discussed where we decided the bathroom and art room would be.
And then the guys got back to it.
The girls did some cleaning in the garage.
Dad sticks his head through the window that will be in the art room. We joked that dad looked like a fast food worker at a drive thru window for the scissor lift.
Then it was discussion time for placement of the window in the game room. The big window we bought at the Restore sale a few months back, was just a little too big for what we ended up having in mind. With the angle of the wall and us wanting to have it high enough for safety reasons, we opted to use half of it. After that was decided, we debated on different placement options.
We decided on placing it upright instead of sideways like the other two windows on this wall.
After that decision, the guys were able to finish up the wall.
Mom and I worked on our favorite door project.

And then dad showed off the game room window. I am really excited to see this entire wall complete.
Guess we did not get a picture of the entire wall, but until we put the windows, door, and covering it is probably hard to tell. I am so glad to have this wall framed. It makes it feel much safer than before.


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