Sunday was a special day. Mr. Welder turned 32, and it was also The Weld House's two year anniversary. The slab was poured two years ago. At first, Mr. Welder felt bad for taking the day off with so many projects on the to-do list. But I think by the end of the day he was happy he did. After church and lunch, we headed to the lake. Jason did some fishing. Right off he headed to a spot called Lacy's Point that was suggested by one of Jason's older pals. When I heard the excitement in his voice, I looked just in time to see a big bass jump out of the water and spit out the hook. A day at the lake is not complete without the one that got away.

The girls hung out in the shade.

After fishing the point, determined to trick Mr. Fishy again, we moved spots and Jason caught a few small bass. This was one of those pictures he took in protest. My thoughts were a small fish picture is better than a no fish picture.

But I guess Mr. Welder knew a better picture was in the near future. Back to Lacy's Point for a nice catch, which was the icing on his Birthday cake.

A little on the hot side, but a beautiful, relaxing day.

We ended the evening with a nice dinner at Jason's parents' house.

The Welders hope you are enjoying these last dog days of summer :)
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