Still Pouring...

Sunday morning, it was still pouring in our world. First, we discovered that our refrigerator and freezer were not working properly and when mom came to pick me up for church, she noticed the flat tire while putting the newspaper in my car.
After church, I unloaded my freezer and took it to mom's freezer since we actually had quite a bit of meat I just got on sale. The week before our freezer was practically empty, of course.
After filling up mom's freezer we headed out to the Weld House to find the guys in the tub, or where the tub used to be...
Where the problem was found! See the pipes wrapped in red? The furthest one to the right (that is disconnected) was the booty head causing all the problems. It should not have been red or connected to the other reds. We never did find out what this pipe is actually for (We have enough holes already, thank you very much), but it was capped off from the red but still has cold water supplying something.
So after lunch, (and picking up Jason's dad after a blow-out-guess our bad luck was moving out and caught him about a mile from our house-sorry!), Mom and I worked on scrubbing off the caulk from the bathtub since it will need to be redone.
While the guys started on many many many tests to make sure all the pipes were getting water and the temperature they needed.
I think we turned the water off/on and then the hose bibs to drain the pipes about a million times but we definitely wanted to test and double check to make sure everything was ok. Not that I really understood what we were doing...
Putting the shower faucet back on-steps in the forward direction.
After testing the pipe for the toilet, dad went ahead and added this deal (can't remember what it's called) but I know it looks like we are a step closer to having toilets and that makes me happy.
Jason making sure we test EVERYTHING!
And to end the day, Jason worked on adjusting the kids' bathroom faucet. So to conclude this chapter, we still have holes but there could have been more and they are all in places that will be easily repaired and covered and the plumbing problem is fixed! Jason took off my tire and mom is taking it with her on Monday to get repaired since she is getting new tires anyways. And after cleaning the coils and figuring out that the fan is not running on the refrigerator, we positioned a portable fan behind the fridge during the night. Monday morning, the ice was making again and the milk was cold like we like it. Thank goodness. I really did not want to buy a new fridge for this house. The Weld House is going to want its soon! So hopefully we can find a fan to replace it and go on about our business. This week's forecast-Clear Skies!


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