You Have a Friend in Me

 Be it a frog

 Or lots of times a dog
 And more times than that, add a cat
 Her love for them is as great as their love for her
 She shares her favorite seat.

 And plays games so neat.
 Sometimes she might invite a human friend
 And for a cuddly hug she'll always bend.
 Even slippery fish
 deserve a kiss.
 And baby birds
 Or tiny chicks
 Easy does it, does the trick.

 The look on her face.
 The sparkle in her eye
As she loves and rocks them by lullaby.
A mouse in a bus 

 Riding in the bouncy seat is a must.
 Down low or up above,
 She'll go to great heights to show them her love.

 She chases, loves on, hugs, kisses, and probably drives them a little wild.

But animals make great friends when you're an only child :)


  1. A-dorable!! hello Angel, argh, yes, I still have those clothes for Lily! I will email you soon:)


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