Saturday framing of the upstairs walls began. The back section will be a workout room.

This is the door opening for the workout room.

Here the guys are building the wall for a closet.

And here it is standing up. Yes, this closet is shorter than most and we will have to build or find a shorter door for it.

The Welding Wife worked really hard and so did Daisy. I have been a little under the weather so decided to take a nap in the warm sun. Door work was completed by mom and I on Saturday though.

And this is how it looked when we left on Saturday to go home to a tasty fish fry. It was so good!

Sunday after church the crew did more work. Mom and I continued working on this kids' closet door. It has been somewhat a pain...but we are getting there.

The guys did another closet in the workout room on the opposite side. Because of the angle of the ceiling, these areas are too short to walk so we thought we might as well use the area for storage and having walls there may help us not bang our heads :)

Then the guys built the office wall. It has two doors-one at the landing and another when you walk in to the right that lets you into the office.

Dad had to saw a notch in the wood for it to fit around the
purlin and sit level.

Here they are connecting the office wall to the workout room wall.

A view from the stairs.

To end the day, the guys added the boards that will be part of the wall that will close off the first floor from the second. This may be partially built but for a while. We are keeping this open since we still have to get sheet metal and other materials to the second floor-big items that will not fit up the stairs. Walls are exciting! It really helps me visualize things easier.
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