Sleep Good at Night

Saturday more preparations for insulation took place. Jason shows his interested wife how to install closures in this somewhat tricky area of the house.Amazingly, I caught on and mom cut the strips to size while I stuffed them into place.
Jason added flashing to the balcony.Dad wired and installed the garage door openers.

Mom and I swept and vacuumed the purlin around the circumference of the house. I am not sure if this was a necessary step but we sure will sleep better at night knowing the insides of the walls are nice and clean. Hopefully these walls will be spray foam insulated this week. We are on the schedule for Tuesday. Our only fear is our mud hole booby trap may keep the workers from getting their equipment in the house.
The guys did more caulking and taping to get the house ready.

We have just a few more loose ends to tie up and then we just wait and see if the guys can get in to work. Another thing crossed off the long list will definitely help me sleep better at night!


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