Rain Rain Come This Way...

Boy did the rain we got last week make such a huge difference. The grass around our house is green again and our Crape Myrtle even bloomed. Hot, dry days are forecasted for the week ahead...I get a little depressed when everything turns yellow and is crunchy...but let's look on the bright side and be thankful for the rain we got. And who knows, maybe we will have another wet August...and this year we will not be trying to pour our slab!
Tuesday night, we hung the remainder of the shutters.
Here we are on the back of the house. This is the kitchen window, which will be above the sink.

This is the window above the tub in the master bathroom.
And the lonely window on the side will be in our bedroom. This pair was made from the shutters that originally adorned the top peak.
Third time is a charm...and the new shutters were hung here...hopefully for good :)
Jason did a little measuring before we left. He pulled a late night with the house plans and a big bowl of ice cream that the Welding Wife whipped up. Hey...It's an important job and someone has to do it!


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