A Little Work, But Mostly Party...

Saturday, Jason worked half the day, we visited my Granny for her Birthday, did a little work at The Weld House, and then took a somewhat rushed fishing trip...we know, we know...we tried to do too many things! While at The Weld House, Jason and dad added the boards for the pantry door frames.I washed off the door I got from my Granny and Grandpa's shed a while back. It is going to be used for the closet under the stairs. I scrubbed and washed. It already had chippy paint. A little more came off when I washed, but I think it will look great as is!
After dad and Jason laid out a few electrical boxes, we had a party on the balcony with our tour participants...then, off to the windy lake...
We did not have an overly productive weekend, but really enjoyed the time with Granny and the family. Sunday I also finished a project I hinted about a while back. Well, the components are finished but it is not in place, so guess it is not really finished...but getting there. I hope to have something to show...before the end of year!


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