After taking Monday night off, dinner (leftovers from the party), company (mom, dad, my sister and bro-in-law), and then to their house to sit in the hot tub, Tuesday was full of ideas for more work. Too much relaxing is bad for you. That's probably not true, but too much sitting in the hot tub sure does make you wrinkly. Mr. Welder's brother brought over his fancy equipment and dug up a tree. Then stakes were driven in the ground. Then Mrs. Welder came outside (again) (she already came once to take a picture of the tree coming down, even though it saddened her), and voiced her opinion of the stake placement. After dinner (more leftovers), Mr. Welder went back out, pulled down one more tree (glad I did not witness another one), and repositioned the stakes ten feet back against the fence line. Don't you hate when I ramble and ramble and you have no idea what I am even talking about? With talks of steel, rebar, concrete, etc. prices on the rise, Mr. Welder decided it was time to pour a slab for a shop and purchase the materials to construct it. I mean, doesn't that sound so much more fun than using funds for a vacation? And you know, the Weld House to-do list is all crossed off, so the timing is perfect. I'm picking on Mr. Welder...kind of. Really, I am happy to save the money. Who wants to pay $15,000 for something that cost $10,000 a month earlier? By the way, I totally made those numbers up (put no thought into a realistic example) since I have no clue...and don't want to think about it. A small weekend trip will do...hint hint.

Mrs. Welder took a recent thrift store trip. I thought a picture of my finds, might interest you guys? I found places for a few items around the Weld House and a few will receive makeovers. Whoever spots one of the items in a future post wins a round of applause from me :)
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