What's the Point?

Apparently, the tractor needs to run properly to build bookshelves too? I'm just picking on Mr. Welder. Tuesday was a busy night since the Welders had their picture made for the church directory (ugh, not a fan of posed pictures...basically when you finally lean to the left, tilt your chin to the right, and have a crick in your neck...smile!) along with a few other errands, so by the time they got to the Weld House, there wasn't much time to get started on the big project. So, Mrs. Welder even suggested Mr. Welder work on the tractor so it would be out of the way for Wednesday's progress. I am happy to report that the tractor now purrs like a kitten. The points (whatever those are) were replaced and a small oil leak was also repaired, so sounds to me like this thing is as good as new...and bookshelves are next on the list :) My books need a home, people!
Daisy doesn't get the point either...


  1. where did you get your door? we are about to start building a metal building house too in oklahoma and you just can't find modern, non-frilly windows and doors... i'm just not a sky blue and ducks/geese kitchen kind of girl and i don't want to pay shipping from either coasts!

  2. My husband designed and built our door. If your interested in talking to him about it, feel free to email him at breton7864@aol.com. Thanks for visiting The Weld House!

  3. Oh the back door-duh the one pictured in the post. We got it at home depot. It was a special order door that never got picked up so we got a good deal on it. Sorry I was confused as usual :)

  4. Thank you!!! (the front door IS beautiful though!) Your blog has inspired me to start my own blog. My husband and I have talked about building a house out of a steel building for years and we fell backwards into land and still have a house to sell first. I wanted to get more info on the ins and outs of building a house ourselves as my husband and I are handy with tools and labor, did I mention poor!I also wondered how you keep your I.D. anonymous and still get a great read, as I wish to remain anonymous online too. Thanks again, I hope to keep in touch and I love seeing your progress!!! -Jamie

  5. Thanks and sorry for the confusion. Everyone always asks about the front door since it is unusual. Congrats on starting a blog. Our blog was really a great outlet during the building process, and I enjoyed it so much and still do. When you're ready for readers, I'd love to visit yours. I started our blog for family and friends to have a way to keep up with our progress. The number of readers grew as friends told friends and through searches. Though I am not exactly sure how it works, the more content you have, the more likely it includes key words that come up in searches. For example, one person found us when searching for a paint color we used. Blog world is huge and networking through/with other blogs is another way to increase readership, though I personally do not do much of that, mainly due to time constraints. I knew very little about blogs when I started, just learned as I went along and I'm sure there is way more than I know now. I'm happy to (try to) help if you have any questions. Good luck with the house building!


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