Well, Somebody Had to Do it!

Saturday night I had a dream that showed me exactly how to build our staircase. So, I woke up, got to work, and let the men rest their brains...or maybe I just went to church, thanked God for our many blessings, drove to the Weld House, grabbed a hammer, figured out how to put on this tool belt, and snuck in a picture while the guys were outback snake hunting...Gave them a test...worked great! Just when we thought snake season was over...we have not seen a Copperhead since Uncle Pedro pushed down our little trees along the fence line. This event also occurred the day after I told our visitors they should be safe to walk around since we had not seen a snake in months and explained that the snakes normally just come out at night! Guess we should never let our guard down and should put up signs "Beware of Snakes! Enter at Your Own Risk!"
This is a view from the top of the stairs.
Next, Jason and dad brought in all the plywood for the second floor floor.The tractor and scissor lift came in handy once again!
The guys laid out a path to get to the front wall and then started securing them there.
I think Jason said they got about 7-8 pieces done. Along the wall, they had to do a lot of measuring and cutting around stuff, but like most projects, it will go faster once they get going.We had an assembly line working on the doors. My sister came to help.
And Uncle Pedro came in his coordinating shirt and saved me a few hours of sanding!

Heather and mom started the door for the toilet closet in the master bathroom. Thanks team!
Another productive weekend!
The Welder
My hero and best friend :)


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