Saturday, more electrical progress was made. Dad cut a hole in the iron for the conduit to fit. I would explain further but I am not sure what this is for...I assume that wires go in the pipe...

Wires galore

The cans for the master bathroom recessed lights were installed and wired.

More recessed lighting in the den/entryway.

Then a little discussing to figure out where the box for the chandelier over the table should be installed. We do not have a dining room, but I want to put a neat, old
chandelier Jason's Grandma gave us over our kitchen table.

The pantry was wired for lights, switches, and plugs.

And us girls...we worked more on the
HVAC door. This one has been a
doozy! We have some hard heads though and are going to turn it into a beauty!

Sunday, mom and the Welding Wife went to church to thank the Lord and then to Bee Angels to clean and get ready for Christmas. The guys installed the cans for the recessed lights and boxes for the fans in the den and kitchen area.
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