Smooth Start

This is my favorite collection of photos from the trip. Don't worry, no one was injured. My brother-in-laws first skiing experience.
Also my sister's. More on her later. I have a post planned to tell about her journey complete with photos anyone would be proud of :)
My brother-in-law doing a little fishing for his pole. I witnessed Johnnie hanging on the edge of the cliff after a wipe out. I didn't get a picture of the fall...or when he slung his pole off the cliff's edge almost hitting a passerby. Good times.
Getting better!
And I did not end up with any shots of Mr. Welder skiing gracefully, but I guess he let his guard down after the skis came off. Yes, that is our steak on the ground. And I really am not being partial. Mrs. Welder had her fair share of "looking good" moments, but when you're the one taking pictures, the evidence is many times lacking. Darn.


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