Crazy About Her Farmer's Tan

Saturday we headed back to the A-frame to gather more wood to finish the upstairs wall in the den.
After the shingles were scrapped, boards were removed, and nails were extracted, the boards were loaded.
Jason was proud to find a nice paper towel holder for the Weld House. Too bad mom already bought us a new one ;)
Though we only needed approximately 10 boards, we decided to take advantage of the cloudy, breezy day and go ahead and gather the remaining boards. We hope to use them in the game room upstairs.

We were all loaded and ready to go by lunchtime.
After Daisy finished being a little potlicker, we had a quick visit with Granny and Grandpa.
We headed to the Weld House for a hamburger lunch. Tasty! (Even without the forgotten cheese!)
Before we started the next project, we did some cleaning to help keep our sanity.
Then it was back to pressure washing, scrapping, and planing the A-frame wood.
The factory workers got back into the routine.
And no this is not the new fashion, but apparently a farmer's tan isn't either. During a recent shopping trip in my sister's closet for a dress to wear to my cousin's wedding, my sister instructed I get rid of my for the past two weekends I have been sporting this new look. It's not the most comfortable so can't wait to wear the dress and go back to being a farmer.
The boards are getting shorter!
The last piece to the big puzzle.
Putting it in place
And the A-shaped, A-frame wall is complete!


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