Dancin' in the Shop Light

Thursday evening was full of adventure... (I'll post more about it later.) And it was also full of monotony...but you know what, I like monotony. All day is rush, rush and work, work and think, think. When I finally make it to this point of the day-date night with my locker-I feel happy. Maybe it's because he's such an easy, laid back guy? Or because he gets cuter after every date? I don't know, but at this point of the day, I have finally reached the moment I've been waiting for since I woke up...is that weird? I crank up the Oldies (if Mr. Welder hasn't already) and I chisel away at layers of paint, sing when I know the words and sometimes even when I don't, love on Daisy when I'm waiting for the paint remover to do its thing, bust a move when a jive-y song comes on, and just scrape any worries or stress right on the floor.
And I leave it there...I don't even sweep up when I'm finished.
Daisy doesn't seem to mind...

As long as I wake her up when it's time to go to her bed.

Where she barks in her sleep and I partake in the my other favorite part of the day~reading and relaxing beside my honey.

May your weekend be full of whatever makes you happy...no matter how strange it is :)


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