A Good Day to Cut a Hole in Your Roof

Saturday, the girls worked on taking out the nails from the barn wood we acquired last weekend.Jason hauled rocks closer to the house since the rockers were scheduled to start Monday on the hearth/platform for the wood burning stove. To get ready for the rockers, we had to take down a couple pieces of tin.
Cut a hole in the roof.
Install the chimney pipe.
Cut a hole in the tin and then put it back in place.And then we got to watch the rain trickle in :)
Even though it poured for a good part of the night, the bucket was only about half full the next day...when we returned to finish the project since the lightening/standing on a tin roof combination did not sound like Saturday night fun.
Wood all nice and neat and organized just waiting for its fate.
And to make the day complete, a little door on the floor since the guys were using the saw horses. When your addicted to scraping doors, you will get it any way you can.


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