Sunday the team went back to the barn and finished demolition.

Cows over here...

And cows over there...

To begin, we took off the tin roof. It is in good shape, so we hope to use it somewhere.

A little tree trimming.

Break Time...

A little chain saw action by Jason, wood loading by mom and I, and prying by Dad.

We made a pile of the scraps to burn. I am so glad we were able to do this. It is much easier than loading, unloading, and then burning at our place.


To bring down the roof, we chained it to the trailer and pulled forward ever so gently.

One section down

Finally the third time resulted in the big crash.

A little more prying and loading

Pulling the floor (AKA dance stage) out of the dirt.

Daisy finally caught her prize (four prizes actually) that she had been waiting on all day.

Floor to the fire

Then a little fence work since the barn was no longer keeping the cows out of the yard.

And a stack of goodies!
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