Halloween Decor and More

Wednesday Mr. Welder delivered the kitchen countertops to the Weld House.
First he screwed the plywood into place.
While I did some Halloween decorating with trash bags. (Thank goodness for skinny dance floors.)
Really, I was getting the upstairs ready for the refinishing of the floors. Well, moving everything out of the way was a must (posing with a heavy piece of exercise equipment was not), but maybe the trash bag decorations were over kill? Since the floors will be sanded, I thought this sounded really dusty. I realize that our entire house is covered in dust from not being cleaned for over two years while acting as the backdrop for construction, but the A/C grills, chandeliers, and fan motor (which were all installed during the last month or two) still looked pretty dust free, so my test was, if it looks really hard to clean, (tiny crevices, etc.) cover it up to hopefully save cleaning time later. The refinishing is scheduled to start on Thursday. Yes, we bit the bullet (and got out the checkbook) and hired the pros.
After the non-slackers completed their weekly volunteering that we have been skipping out on, they came by and gave us a hand. The new man on the scene was my uncle and boy was it nice to have an extra hand. Thanks, Uncle Freddie. He and Jason teamed up to work on the countertop installation. After the plywood was in place, boards were added to support the backsplash.
After dad finished hooking up the toilet from the night before, (it flushes now!) he and mom worked on the kid bathroom vanity. As you can see, dad notched the back of the legs so they would fit perfectly next to the baseboard allowing the countertop to sit flush with the wall. Mom cleaned all the cobwebs and dust and then assisted in making it more sturdy by adding these stud boards along the bottom.
Once it was heavy duty, we moved it into the bathroom and decided on the placement.
We brought in the medicine cabinet to help figure out the positioning. Don't ask about my dad's shirt. It has something to do with a fight with a Yellow Jacket and a collection to be taken to buy him a new one. I think he wants to start the latest fad.
The counter crew moved right along. They got everything in place and did a test to make sure the sink fit.
Once they were satisfied, they glued the Stainless Steel pieces onto the plywood.
We used the sand and mortar bags we bought for the rock backsplash to firmly press the tops into place while the glue dried.
Mom held the flashlight while dad installed a new "catcher" deal that keeps the door closed tight. Sometimes these old pieces take a little extra TLC.
Then it was time to glue the Galvalume countertop.
We used a piece of plywood, weights, and buckets of nails to press it in place for the drying process.
It was somewhat disappointing to leave all the projects looking cluttered and hidden with the plastic covering. Mr. Welder asked how I liked the kitchen countertops. I thought I should wait to actually see them before answering ;)
The rock backsplash is scheduled to be completed Thursday, so hopefully the next picture I post is a tad more attractive.
And to finish the night, Mr. Welder repaired a crack in the sheetrock. Sad, I know. It could at least wait to fall apart after we move in, right!? When you build a house for over two years, the slab just can't hold out to do its dance for that long! Why can't they just stand still! Though Mr. Welder lets things such as this bother him a lot, he did a great job of repairing it and after I touch it up with paint, no one will know...oh, except you blog readers again ;) I know you guys can keep our secrets though.


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