Clean Up

Last night we planned to work on the other side of the front door but got side tracked. Instead we did a little picking up around the place.
If I were you, I would have been talking about us behind our backs :) But now you can't any longer-well, not about this one particular issue at least. We have been hauling this sheet metal back and forth for months now. I am sure if you search the pictures of this blog you will see them under iron, railing, trim boxes, etc. They just always came along for the ride. Well, last night we finally unloaded them. Yippee!
It was even better when dad came by and took my job :) while mom and I did other house planning.
Before leaving, we discussed the options for cementing the balcony porch. I think we have it figured out and we will be able to use some of the material laying around collecting rust as we speak.


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