Yesterday the columns and the remainder of the house were rocked.
The front windows will have cedar shutters and one of these days we will also have a finished front door :)
Looks like the rockers tested out the party balcony :)
Before leaving, Jason went around with tape and made notes on things he wants fixed before they take off today. He met them this morning and they told him they would be finished doing touch ups around 11:30 today.
Looks like White Sands in our house.
Jason is quite the inspector. I am glad I get to just walk around and pick up trash while he takes a close look. An example of the things he looked for- the rock under the trim was a tad too big, which pushed up the trim making it unlevel in one spot. Jason asked them to put a smaller rock so water will run off the trim correctly.
Mr. Inspector
We are very pleased with the rock work. Now I can't wait to get all of this mess cleaned up! It drives me bonkers!
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