The rockers finished around lunch time yesterday. Jason called me after he left the (rocked) Weld House and was very impressed with their work and service. They even cleaned off the patios! The picture above is the bottom of our back door. They filled in the gap with rocks-love it!

I thought you might like to see our house with a clean front porch :)

And the balcony with a clean porch and no scaffolding...as you can see, we do still have a lot to clean up but just having the porches clean made me feel much better.

After Jason sprayed for ants he worked on the door...here is a sneak peek.

He got a lot accomplished and maybe we will get to work on it more tonight...I wonder if the anticipation is killing you guys as much as it is me!

I worked on sweeping out the house and also washed the front windows. The black screens were white from all of the rock dust!
I am sure it was a waste of time and it will be dirty when we go out there next time, but I slept better last night at least ;)
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