
While the guys worked on the end wall, mom and I cleaned and organized the garage. Jason informed us that for the most part, they were finished using tons of screws. So we separated the different types and put them in containers. We forgot to take an after picture but we ended up with a clean, organized area opposed to the tornado look we had going on before.
Our next project was to move this pile of bricks. They were the floor in the storage shed that was smashed by a tree last year, which was beside the shed we moved last weekend. Since our driveway will come through this area, we decided to clean up more. First, dad moved big piles of cement left when the cement trucks cleaned after pouring the slab.

Then mom and I pried and stacked the bricks on the tractor.
Dad gives mom instructions on how to operate the tractor.

We had a contest to see who could guess closest to the number of bricks. Mom guessed 200, me 175, Jason 120, and dad 340. There were 336! Not counting the few that were broken.
All stacked in the back corner of the property with the rest of our building and landscaping supplies. Time for a snack!


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