Villain Slain at Local Mercantile Establishment

Thursday the Welding Wife opened her wood working establishment on the Weld House's front porch. She took great pride in hand selecting pieces that she knew her best (and only) customer would like. If only he would remember the rule that the sawhorses were the warehouse, which was off limits to customers. Pieces in the warehouse had a bit more work that needed to be done before being ready for resale!The Welder was also stationed on the front porch where a nice breeze made for a delightful working experience.Well, mostly delightful except for the shower of sawdust that flew over the Welder's head. The project for the evening was installing the siding on this stair wall.
Progress underway
Getting closer
And complete. Time to lock up shop and call it a night...
See anything that may have given the shop owner a heart attack on the way to locking the back door?
How about a close up?
By the time Jason made it downstairs (he already knows what a certain tone of voice means coming from me) and found a shovel, Mr. Copper was hiding behind these doors...hum, I don't want to even think about all the other hiding places. Jason decided to elevate his flip flop wearing feet for the task and climbed up the ladder.
Mr. Copper then made his way behind the back door which resulted in a repositioning of the ladder.
And you know the saying, Mr. Copper was backed in a corner at that point.
Sorry, Mr. Copper, but haven't you heard the word on the creeks? The Welders don't mess around when you invade their space. RIP, Mr. Copper.


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