Lost Finder

Monday, Mr. Welder invited two of our friends and their son who we haven't hung out with since Mr. Welder's Birthday party year before last. As you can see, the house wasn't quite ready to look its best...Mr. Welder doesn't really have a high speed, but I saw him speedy for once.
After attaching the shelves in the closets, he hung his clothes and moved the portable rack to the garage. Then we both crammed (in a nice way) all the random boxes, sacks of new socks (that Mr. Welder still has not broken into...actually I noticed him sporting gray (no longer black) socks with his slippers for our guests), and knick knacks into the stair closet and front bedroom. We wiped the sweat from our brows just as our guests pulled in the drive. The den was still quite random, but way better than it could have been ;)
Tuesday, it was back to work. We still have a long list of projects with the master closet being at the top. After looking EVERYWHERE for the stud finder so Mr. Stud himself could get started, we gave up, with "stud finder" on our newest Home Depot shopping list. Frustrated is an understatement. Add to that, I gave Daisy a bath. With the weather forecasted to get quite cold in the next couple days, I wanted to prepare her for the winter. So we were in the house looking around for the stud finder. Daisy was wet and tied up in the garage. She has a bad habit of rolling in the dirt after a bath. (She just doesn't get the point of being clean.) After still not finding the finder, we go to the garage to see that Daisy busted loose and was covered in sand from head to paw. Ugh. Giving up, Mr. Welder oiled the fans and tested this caulk that is supposed to blend with all types mortar. It is looking quite gray. Maybe I will test painting it?
Moving on to the next most important project, fixing the radio/record player. I say that sarcastically, but there is a bit more seriousness than you'd think. I found a stack of old Christmas records at the Caritas half off sale, which made them 2 for 5 cents. Mr. Welder LOVES Christmas music and his birthday was a few days away...isn't he so lucky?! And, yes, I am being sarcastic for real this time. But seriously, I have visions of decorating the tree with Christmas music playing from the record player in the background. Unfortunately, after all of Mr. Welder's tinkering, it still doesn't work.
I made more progress putting away and organizing our many belongings. We may not have the master closet started quite yet, but at least we have two of these to hold us over. For that and for all we've been blessed with, I truly am thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!


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