Unidentified Flying Object

After snoozing by the fire that Mrs. Welder built to clean up the remaining floor boxes and other scraps, Daisy Mae decided she would enjoy the black mat clippings one last time. Oh, how she misses that comfy stuff.
Mr. Welder installed the baseboards in the master bedroom.
Is it just me, or does this really tie the room all together? That is probably the point of baseboards.
Mr. Welder's last project for the evening is shown above. What is it exactly? An UFO-not really, but I can't identify it and it looks like it could be part of a toy air plane (Mr. Welder decided to work part-time in Santa's workshop...even Santa is outsourcing these days)... All I know is after discovering that Sears did not carry this contraption for his saw, he decided he could just build his own. He tells me it will assist him when building shelves for the pantry and closets. I guess I will have to see this one to understand.


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