What Goes Around, Comes Around

After a tasty Tuesday casserole dinner, Mrs. Welder got to work in the pantry. Yes, Daisy, that drop cloth is actually for you.
You know how I said living at the Weld House has great advantages such as going to bed while Mr. Welder continues to work...well, it didn't feel quite as fun as I worked way into the night to finish painting half of the pantry shelves ;) One side down, one to go.
Mr. Welder finished his project earlier and hit the hay. An entire photo shoot took place next door and he had no clue. He finished the second medicine cabinet and installed it. I have no idea how he held this up and did all this without my help. I am almost sure I used most of my might helping him install mine.
And a close-up of the finished product along with me looking small...and grumpy. The mirror is clean. That is chocolate on my shirt. I baked brownies for a thank you gift for the gentleman who let us borrow his scaffolding for a really long time. I used the small, upper oven and they came out perfect. Maybe I am getting better with the new appliances.


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